Solopreneur & Software Engineer, shaping solutions with open-source.

Every line of code I write is inspired by a deeper mission: to create solutions that leave a lasting impact on my community. The journey that led me to this point wasn’t without its challenges, but those early experiences shaped me into a lifelong learner and a determined problem solver.

One of my proudest achievements is the Kin Programming Language. For me, this project is more than just a technical accomplishment—it’s a symbol of what’s possible when we embrace inclusivity. By helping Rwandans learn programming in Kinyarwanda, it opens doors for students who might otherwise be left behind due to language barriers. Watching them thrive in the world of technology is what fuels my passion for open-source and community-driven projects.

I believe in the power of learning—every project, every challenge is an opportunity to grow. As I continue my journey, I remain driven by the desire to use technology as a force for positive change, empowering people and building solutions that matter.